父母 & 家庭资源


We are delighted that you have supported your loved one in making the decision to pursue higher education at Xavier University! We hope that you take the opportunity to explore this website before you arrive for Orienta- tion. We want to make sure you have as much information as possible to be successful as a new member of the Xavier Family.

作为一所大学, we recognize that parents and families also experience a transition once their loved one begins college. 因此, we have to ensure that we provide the best possible resources for our parents and families to successfully assist their loved one with this transition. 作为e世博esball大学大家庭的新成员, 我们欢迎您访问所需的资源是成功的.


Our welcome weekend program is designed to inform you and your family about our living and learning community, 给你一个与管理者见面的机会, 教师, and staff that will be working with your son/daughter throughout their studies at Xavier, and to provide you the opportunity to experience some of our rich traditions at Xavier University.

Here are some frequently asked questions that may aid you in preparing for 新生迎新:

当你的学生注册新生迎新活动时, there will be an area for parents and families to register as well for Parent Family 取向 Weekend. 请与您的学生一起完成这个过程.

所有新生当天入住, 新生和转学新生, 是由住房和居住生活办公室沟通的. Please ensure that your student has completed the proper steps to confirm their housing arrangements.

Each family may have specific needs in terms of making arrangements in preparing for the move. 你可能需要记住的一些一般的事情是: 

1. 如果你的学生住在e世博esball大学的宿舍, please make sure the $100 housing deposit has been submitted and received by the Office of Housing and Residence Life to ensure that he or she has an assigned room. 

2. Review the “Need to Know” section on the Housing and Residence Life website (http://0mb.onesourcehomeinspection.com/housing/need-to-know.html). This will help you and your son/daughter prepare for the on-campus housing experience. 

3. Make sure that your student has submitted all required health immunization information and that they are “health cleared” through our Student Health Office. 有关免疫接种的信息可访问http://0mb.onesourcehomeinspection.com/student-health/documents/ProofofImmunizationComplianceForm.pdf 

4. 如果你给你的学生买了健康保险, access our Student Health insurance website to determine if you qualify for a student insurance waiver. For more information and Insurance waiver information, please visit their website http://0mb.onesourcehomeinspection.com/student-health/ 

5. Log into Banner Web with your student and review available 金融援助 awards. You can also visit the 财政援助办公室’s homepage by clicking here for more information on financial aid. 

6. 如果你的学生有残疾记录, please contact our Office of Disability Services to ensure that we have the appropriate information on file. 7. Talk to your student about personal 安全 and their new experience away from home.

If you need additional information on our Parent and Family 取向 weekend, 你可以发邮件给我们的迎新人员:orientation@xula.Edu或致电(504)520-5133.


接下来的一年, 你的儿子或女儿会遇到新朋友, 适应新环境, 解决大学水平的学术问题, become a part of the XULA family and see the world through the eyes of a college student. 尽管这对你的学生来说是一次全新的体验, 我们意识到父母和家庭也会做出很多调整. Speaking with your student in advance about matters such as finances, 沟通, 值, 安全, and academic expectations can assist with your student’s transition and minimize future issues. The 学生领导与服务中心 has compiled the following tips and suggestions from current parents, 学生事务专业人员, and transition research to assist you with be- coming a Xavier parent.

Touching bases with your student through scheduled phone conversations, 短信, 电子邮件, 和/或护理包将变得越来越重要. 对学生的课程表现出兴趣, 新朋友, 他/她的室友, 和活动, but attempt to avoid pressuring the student to open up if he/she seems reluctant.

Try your best to understand the stress that comes along with adjusting to a new environment, 朋友, and a schedule that is vastly different from what he/she has previously known. 父母 are often viewed as safe havens for students to return to when they feel disconnected from home. 有时学生需要一个熟悉的声音来交流.

You have done an awesome job getting your student to Xavier University. 尊重和信任他/她做决定的能力是至关重要的. Show your students that you have the confidence in them to “do the right thing” and to make responsible decisions.

大学是认识有不同想法的人的时候, 利益, 值, 信仰, 和背景. Trust that you have prepared your student for a world of diversity and freedom of expression. 父母 remain the number one influence in the lives of young adults so your open-minded approach could assist the student in maximizing his or her experience at Xavier.

因为这对你的学生来说是一个不同的世界, being positive and patient can assist him/her with adapting properly to the University. 虽然这段时间对你来说压力很大, 别忘了想象一下你的学生的感受.

有时候,最好的教训来自于经验,而不是建议! 虽然这可能很难,但当错误发生时,要给予支持! Your approach can make a huge difference in how the lesson is perceived by your student. Encourage your student to find appropriate solutions to challenges he/she may face.

鼓励健康的, 平衡, and responsible lifestyle Encourage out-of-class academic pursuits such as research and discovery Encourage your student to become gradually familiar with his/her new city Encourage your student to seek help if needed Encourage your student to get involved in leadership and community service opportunities